Thank you for your trust and purchase on Teettopics.
Our quality control teams will review your item prior to shipment to ensure your satisfaction, and quality is guaranteed. We accept return demands within 30 days after delivery.
If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we're here to help.
Cancel & Refund:
Order Status
Requirements and Notice
Before shipment
Apply cancel orders within 24 hours
100% order amount
Apply cancel orders OVER 24 hours
95%of the order amount(deduct 5% processing fee)
Change Size
Contact Customer Service Team via
Once an order has been shipped, it cannot be canceled or changed.
Return Procedure:
*For the below circumstances, we don't accept a refund request without return. But we can offer a coupon for your next order.
(However, we can offer a coupon for your next order, please contact our customer service for details.)